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Version: 6.x

Upgrading from 5.x

React Navigation 6 keeps the same API as React Navigation 5, however there are some breaking changes to make the API more consistent, more flexible and less confusing.

This guide lists all the changes and new features that you need to keep in mind when upgrading.

Minimum Requirements

React Navigation 6 requires newer versions of following libraries:

  • react-native-safe-area-context >= 3.0.0
  • react-native-screens >= 2.15.0
  • react-native-tab-view >= 3.0.0
  • react-native >= 0.63.0
  • expo >= 41 (if you use Expo)
  • typescript >= 4.1.0 (if you use TypeScript)

To upgrade react-native-safe-area-context and react-native-screens to the latest supported versions, do the following:


If your react-native Version is 0.63.4 or lower, don't use react-native-safe-area-context in Version 4, but only till 3.4.1. More Information see here

For Expo managed projects:

npx expo install react-native-safe-area-context react-native-screens

For bare React Native projects:

npm install react-native-safe-area-context react-native-screens

Note that latest versions of react-native-screens are now enabled by default. So you will need to disable it manually if you can't have it enabled for some reason.

Table of breaking changes and deprecations

The upgrade guide includes both new features as well as breaking changes across all packages. The table below is for your convenience to quickly find the list of all the breaking changes and deprecations.

Breaking changes

The following breaking changes may break your app if you're using the related APIs. So you may need to change your code when upgrading.


The following changes will show deprecation warnings if you're using the related APIs, but your code will continue to work and may be updated at a later date.

Note on mixing React Navigation 5 and React Navigation 6 packages

To make upgrading easier, it is possible to mix packages from the 6.x.x and 5.x.x version ranges. However, there are a few things you need to keep in mind:

  • If you're using @react-navigation/native@5.x.x and navigators with 6.x.x version:

    • You need to have latest 5.x.x version of @react-navigation/native package installed which includes some backported APIs.
    • You don't need to worry about any of the breaking changes under "General changes" section. They are only applicable when you upgrade @react-navigation/native package.
  • If you're using @react-navigation/native@6.x.x and any navigators with 5.x.x version:

    • Make sure to pay attention to the breaking changes under "General changes" section. Everything else should work as expected.

In both cases, if you use TypeScript, you may encounter type errors when using mixing 5.x.x and 6.x.x due to changes in types. We suggest ignoring those errors until you can upgrade your packages.

General changes

These following changes are in the core library. You'll need to address this changes when upgrading the @react-navigation/native package.

To install the 6.x version of @react-navigation/native, run:

npm install @react-navigation/native

Params are now overwritten on navigation instead of merging

This is probably one of the biggest changes. When navigating to an existing screen, we've merged the new params with the existing params since the first version of React Navigation.

For example, let's say there's an existing Post screen with the following params:

postTitle: 'An amazing post',
postBody: 'Amazing content for amazing post'

And you navigate to it with navigation.navigate('Post', { postTitle: 'An okay post' }), it'll have the following params:

postTitle: 'An okay post',
postBody: 'Amazing content for amazing post'

While this merging behavior might be useful in some scenarios, it can be problematic in other cases. We also have had many bug reports where users were confused with this behavior.

So we're changing the default behavior in React Navigation 6 so that the params aren't merged by default anymore, and new params overwrite all existing params.

While the default has changed, it's still possible to merge params if you need it. To get the previous behavior, you can pass an object to navigate with merge: true and it'll merge the params:

name: 'Post',
params: { postTitle: 'An okay post' },
merge: true,

A common scenario where you should use merge: true is if you have a custom tab bar, since it's not expected that params will be overwritten when you change the tab by tapping on the tab bar.

Dropped dangerously from dangerouslyGetParent and dangerouslyGetState

The dangerouslyGetParent and dangerouslyGetState methods on the navigation prop are useful in many scenarios, and sometimes necessary. So we dropped the dangerously prefix to make it clear that it's safe to use. Now you can use navigation.getParent and navigation.getState().

No more state property on the route prop

The route prop passed to components often contained a state property which held state of the child navigator. While it wasn't meant to be public and we recommended against using it in the docs, we've seen a lot of people use this property.

It's problematic to use the property since it's not guaranteed to exist before navigation happens in the child navigator. This can cause subtle bugs in your app which you might not notice during development. So we have started warning on using this property in React Navigation 5 and removed this property entirely in React Navigation 6 prevent its usage.

If you need to have some configuration based on which screen is focused in child navigator, you can still do it using the getFocusedRouteNameFromRoute utility.

New path property on the route prop

The route prop will now contain a path property when opened from a deep link. You can use this property to further customize the content of the screen, e.g. load the page in a WebView. See Handling unmatched routes or 404 for more details.

Linking configuration is now stricter

Older versions of React Navigation 5 had a slightly different configuration format for linking. The old config allowed a key value pair in the object regardless of nesting of navigators:

const config = {
Home: 'home',
Feed: 'feed',
Profile: 'profile',
Settings: 'settings',

Let's say, your Feed and Profile screens are nested inside Home. Even if you don't have such a nesting with the above configuration, as long as the URL was /home/profile, it would work. Furthermore, it would also treat path segments and route names the same, which means that you could deep link to a screen that's not specified in the configuration. For example, if you have a Albums screen inside Home, the deep link /home/Albums would navigate to that screen. While that may be desirable in some cases, there's no way to prevent access to specific screens. This approach also makes it impossible to have something like a 404 screen since any route name is a valid path.

Newer versions of React Navigation 5 supported a different config format which is stricter in this regard:

  • The shape of the config must match the shape of the nesting in the navigation structure
  • Only screens defined in the config will be eligible for deep linking

So, you'd refactor the above config to the following format:

const config = {
screens: {
Home: {
path: 'home',
screens: {
Feed: 'feed',
Profile: 'profile',
Settings: 'settings',

Here, there's a new screens property to the configuration object, and the Feed and Profile configs are now nested under Home to match the navigation structure.

While the old format still worked in React Navigation 5, React Navigation 6 drops support for the old format entirely in favor of the new stricter format.

Dropped useLinking hook

The useLinking hook was the initial implementation of deep linking in React Navigation 5. Later, we moved to the linking prop to make it easier to handle deep links. The hook was still exported not to break existing apps using it.

In 6.x, we finally removed the hook in favor of the linking prop. If you're still using the useLinking hook, it should be pretty straightforward to migrate as you just need to pass the config to linking prop instead.

See configuring links for more details on configuring deep links.

Earlier, the Link component could only accept a path string. Now you can pass an object which specifies the screen name to navigate to, and any params to pass:

screen: 'Profile',
params: { id: 'jane' },
Go to Jane's profile

See useLinkProps docs for more details.

New Group component

The new Group component is useful for grouping similar screens together. You can use it to pass some common options to a bunch of screens.

For example, you can use it for a bunch of regular screen and a bunch of modal screens without having to create 2 navigators:

screenOptions={{ headerStyle: { backgroundColor: 'papayawhip' } }}
<Stack.Screen name="Home" component={HomeScreen} />
<Stack.Screen name="Profile" component={ProfileScreen} />
<Stack.Group screenOptions={{ presentation: 'modal' }}>
<Stack.Screen name="Search" component={SearchScreen} />
<Stack.Screen name="Share" component={ShareScreen} />

See Group docs for more details.

New screenListeners prop for navigators similar to screenOptions

It's now possible to add listeners for all of the screens in a navigator by using the screenListeners prop. This can be useful to listen to things like tabPress for all screens, state change at the navigator level etc.

See docs for Navigation Events for more details.

New hook and helper for creating container ref

The new useNavigationContainerRef hook and createNavigationContainerRef helper are useful for simplifying adding a ref to to NavigationContainer.

See docs for NavigationContainer and Navigating without the navigation prop for more details and examples.

Earlier, useNavigation, Link, useLinkProps etc. could only be used inside screens. But now it's possible to use them in any component that's a child of NavigationContainer.

The default value for backBehavior is now firstRoute for tabs and drawer

Returning to first route after pressing back seems more common in apps. To match this behavior, the tab navigators such as bottom tabs, material top taps, material bottom tabs etc., as well as drawer navigator now use firstRoute for the backBehavior prop. To preserve old behavior, you can pass backBehavior="history" prop to the navigators.

If you have your own custom navigator using TabRouter or DrawerRouter, it will also be affected by this change unless you have specified a backbehavior.

Stricter types for TypeScript

The type definitions are now stricter, which makes it easier to catch errors earlier by minimizing unsafe types. For example, useNavigation now shows a type error if you don't specify a type.

You can handle this by annotating it, or for an easier way, specify a type for root navigator which will be used for all usage of useNavigation.

Ability to specify a type for root navigator when using TypeScript

Previously, we needed to specify a type for things such as useNavigation, Link etc. in every place we use them. But it's now possible to specify the type of the root navigator in one place that'll be used everywhere by default:

declare global {
namespace ReactNavigation {
interface RootParamList extends RootStackParamList {}

See the docs for TypeScript for more details.

New CompositeScreenProps type for TypeScript

We now have a CompositeScreenProps helper similar to CompositeNavigationProps for usage with TypeScript. See Combining navigation props for more details.

Stack Navigator

The following changes are in the @react-navigation/stack package.

To install the 6.x version of @react-navigation/stack, run:

npm install @react-navigation/stack

keyboardHandlingEnabled is moved to options

Previously, keyboardHandlingEnabled was a prop on the navigator, but now it needs to be specified in screen's options instead. To keep previous behavior, you can specify it in screenOptions:

<Stack.Navigator screenOptions={{ keyboardHandlingEnabled: false }}>
<Stack.Screen name="Home" component={Home} />
<Stack.Screen name="Profile" component={Profile} />

mode="modal" is removed in favor of presentation: 'modal'

Now there is a new presentation option which allows you to customize whether a screen is a modal or not on a per screen basis.

In addition, to match the default behavior of iOS, now presentation: 'modal' shows the new presentation style modal introduced in iOS 13. It also adjusts things like status bar height in the header automatically that you had to do manually before. In addition, the color of the statusbar content is automatically managed when the screen animates.

Previously Android didn't have any special animation for modals. But now there's a slide from bottom animation instead of the default animation.

If you don't want to use the new animations, you can change it to your liking using the animation related options. To use the iOS modal animation from React Navigation 5, use TransitionPresets.ModalSlideFromBottomIOS.

In addition, a new presentation: 'transparentModal' option to make it easier to build transparent modals. See transparent modals docs for more details.

Better support for mixing different types of animations in a single stack

Previously, it was sometimes necessary to nest 2 different stack navigators for certain animations, for example: when we wanted to use modal presentation style and regular styles.

It is now possible to mix regular screens with modal screens in the same stack, since these options don't need to be applied to the whole screen anymore.

headerMode="none" is removed in favor of headerShown: false

Previously, you could pass headerMode="none" prop to hide the header in a stack navigator. However, there is also a headerShown option which can be used to hide or show the header, and it supports configuration per screen.

So instead of having 2 ways to do very similar things, we have removed headerMode="none" in favor of headerShown: false. To get the old behavior, specify headerShown: false in screenOptions:

<Stack.Navigator screenOptions={{ headerShown: false }}>
<Stack.Screen name="Home" component={Home} />
<Stack.Screen name="Profile" component={Profile} />

headerMode is moved to options

Previously, headerMode was a prop on the navigator, but now it needs to be specified in screen's options instead. To keep previous behavior, you can specify it in screenOptions:

<Stack.Navigator screenOptions={{ headerMode: 'screen' }}>
<Stack.Screen name="Home" component={Home} />
<Stack.Screen name="Profile" component={Profile} />

The headerMode option supports 2 values: screen and float.

Header is now taller in modals on iOS

The header is now 56dp tall in modals to match the native iOS style. If you are using the useHeaderHeight hook to get the height of the header, then you won't need to change any code.

The header height from hidden header is now ignored

Previously, the useHeaderHeight hook returned 0 if the header was hidden in a Stack Navigator. Now it returns the height of the closes visible header instead.

Custom header now uses 'headerMode: screen' by default

Previously it was necessary to specify headerMode='screen' or a custom animation manually when using a custom header. Even though this was mentioned in the docs, it has been tripped up many people.

But now specifying a custom header automatically sets headerMode to screen, so it doesn't need anything more. This is now possible because headerMode is no longer a prop for the navigator, so it can be configured per screen where a custom header is specified.

Props passed to custom header are streamlined

Previously, the stack header accepted scene and previous scene which contained things such as descriptor, navigation prop, progress etc. The props are now simplified to following. See header docs for the list.

If you have a custom header, you may need to adjust it to use the new props.

Header now uses flexbox

The header elements were rendered using absolute positioning which didn't work well in certain situations. We now use flexbox for header elements which should work better.

This probably doesn't change anything for you, but if you have code which relied on the absolute positioning, you may need to change it.

The gestureResponseDistance option is now a number instead of an object

Previously, the gestureResponseDistance option took an object with horizontal and vertical properties. Now it takes a number which will be used as the horizontal or vertical value based on the gestureDirection option.

The two finger back gesture on trackpads in iPad is now supported

On iPad, it's possible to use two fingers to perform the back gesture in native apps. It's now also possible in Stack Navigator.

Fix accessibility on Web when react-native-screens wasn't enabled

Previously, unfocused screens were still accessible on Web even if react-native-screens was disabled. This is no longer the case. Note that this only works when animations are not enabled (this is the default on Web). Otherwise, you'd need to enable react-native-screens to make it work if you had it disabled.

Some exports are now moved to the element library

The following exports now live in the elements library since they are no longer specific to the stack navigator:

  • Assets
  • HeaderTitle
  • HeaderBackButton
  • HeaderBackground
  • HeaderHeightContext
  • useHeaderHeight

See below for more details on installing the elements library.

Native Stack Navigator

The @react-navigation/native-stack package is back. We made few changes to the API so that moving between @react-navigation/stack and @react-navigation/native-stack is easier. If you were using react-native-screens/native-stack before, then you'd need to make some changes to your code.

To install the 6.x version of @react-navigation/native-stack, run:

npm install @react-navigation/native-stack

Breaking changes from react-native-screens/native-stack

If you were importing createNativeStackNavigator from react-native-screens/native-stack, you need to keep the following changes in mind when migrating to @react-navigation/native-stack package:

Options of Native Stack

  • backButtonInCustomView option is removed, it's now automatically set when necessary
  • headerCenter option is removed, the headerLeft, headerRight and headerTitle options now work like they do in Stack Navigator
  • headerHideBackButton is changed to headerBackVisible
  • headerHideShadow is changed to headerShadowVisible
  • headerLargeTitleHideShadow is changed to headerLargeTitleShadowVisible
  • headerTranslucent is changed to headerTransparent
  • headerBlurEffect is now a separate option and no longer a property in headerStyle
  • headerTopInsetEnabled option is removed, it's now automatically set when necessary
  • disableBackButtonMenu is changed to headerBackButtonMenuEnabled
  • backButtonImage is renamed to headerBackImageSource
  • searchBar is renamed to headerSearchBarOptions
  • replaceAnimation is renamed to animationTypeForReplace
  • stackAnimation is renamed to animation
  • stackPresentation is renamed to presentation - the value push is now called card
  • direction option is removed, it's now automatically set based on I18nManager.isRTL


The appear and disappear events have been removed in favor of transitionStart and transitionEnd events with indicating whether the screen is being opened or closed.

Native Stack now works on web

Previously, native-stack could only be used on Android & iOS. But we also added basic web support so that you can write cross-platform apps without having to change your code.

Bottom Tab Navigator

The following changes are in the @react-navigation/bottom-tabs package.

To install the 6.x version of @react-navigation/bottom-tabs, run:

npm install @react-navigation/bottom-tabs

A header is shown by default in tab screens

Tab screens now show a header by default similar to screens in a stack navigator. This avoid the need for nesting a stack navigator in each screen just for a header. See its options to see all header related options.

To keep the previous behavior, you can use headerShown: false in screenOptions.

The tab bar now shows a question mark when an icon isn't passed instead of empty area

Previously the tab bar in bottom tabs showed an empty area when no icon was specified. Now it shows a question mark to make it more obvious that the icon is missing.

The tabBarOptions prop is removed in favor of more flexible options for bottom tabs

The tabBarOptions prop was removed and the options from there were moved to screen's options instead. This makes them configurable on a per screen basis.

The list of the options and their new name are follows:

  • keyboardHidesTabBar -> tabBarHideOnKeyboard
  • activeTintColor -> tabBarActiveTintColor
  • inactiveTintColor -> tabBarInactiveTintColor
  • activeBackgroundColor -> tabBarActiveBackgroundColor
  • inactiveBackgroundColor -> tabBarInactiveBackgroundColor
  • allowFontScaling -> tabBarAllowFontScaling
  • showLabel -> tabBarShowLabel
  • labelPosition -> tabBarLabelPosition
  • labelStyle -> tabBarLabelStyle
  • iconStyle -> tabBarIconStyle
  • tabStyle -> tabBarItemStyle
  • style -> tabBarStyle

The adaptive option is removed since you can already disable the automatic label positioning by specifying a tabBarLabelPosition.

The old options will still keep working with a deprecation warning. To avoid the deprecation warning, move these to screenOptions.

The tabBarVisible option is no longer present

Since the tab bar now supports a tabBarStyle option, we have removed the tabBarVisible option. You can achieve the same behavior by specifying tabBarStyle: { display: 'none' } in options.

The lazy prop is moved to lazy option for per-screen configuration for bottom tabs

The lazy prop now can be configured per screen instead of for the whole navigator. So it's moved to options from props. To keep previous behavior, you can specify it in screenOptions to apply it to all screens.

New tabBarBackground option to specify custom backgrounds

The new tabBarBackground option is useful to add custom backgrounds to the tab bar such as images, gradients, blur views etc. without having to wrap the TabBar manually.

See docs for tabBarBackground for more details.

Material Top Tab Navigator

The following changes are in the @react-navigation/material-top-tabs package.

To install the 6.x version of @react-navigation/material-top-tabs, run:

npm install @react-navigation/material-top-tabs react-native-tab-view

To upgrade react-native-pager-view to the latest supported version, do the following:

For Expo managed projects:

npx expo install react-native-pager-view

For bare React Native projects:

npm install react-native-pager-view

Material Top Tabs now uses ViewPager instead of Reanimated and Gesture Handler

The react-native-tab-view dependency is upgraded to the latest version (3.x) which now uses react-native-pager-view instead of Reanimated and Gesture Handler. This will provide a native UX and also improve the performance.

See release notes for react-native-tab-view for more details.

The tabBarOptions prop is removed in favor of more flexible options for material top tabs

Similar to bottom tabs, the tabBarOptions prop was removed and the options from there were moved to screen's options instead.

The list of the options and their new name are follows:

  • activeTintColor -> tabBarActiveTintColor
  • inactiveTintColor -> tabBarInactiveTintColor
  • pressColor -> tabBarPressColor
  • pressOpacity -> tabBarPressOpacity
  • showLabel -> tabBarShowLabel
  • showIcon -> tabBarShowIcon
  • allowFontScaling -> tabBarAllowFontScaling
  • bounces -> tabBarBounces
  • scrollEnabled ->tabBarScrollEnabled
  • iconStyle -> tabBarIconStyle
  • labelStyle -> tabBarLabelStyle
  • tabStyle -> tabBarItemStyle
  • indicatorStyle -> tabBarIndicatorStyle
  • indicatorContainerStyle -> tabBarIndicatorContainerStyle
  • contentContainerStyle -> tabBarContentContainerStyle
  • style -> tabBarStyle

The old options will still keep working with a deprecation warning. To avoid the deprecation warning, move these to screenOptions.

The lazy prop is moved to lazy option for per-screen configuration for material top tabs

Similar to bottom tabs, the lazy prop is now moved to options for material top tabs.

The lazyPlaceholder prop is moved to lazyPlaceholder option for per-screen configuration for material top tabs

The lazyPlaceholder prop is now moved to options for material top tabs so you can configure a placeholder in each screen's options.

Material Bottom Tab Navigator

The following changes are in the @react-navigation/material-bottom-tabs package.

To install the 6.x version of @react-navigation/material-bottom-tabs, run:

npm install @react-navigation/material-bottom-tabs

Material Bottom Tabs now uses react-native-safe-area-context to apply safe area insets

It's now necessary to install the react-native-safe-area-context package when using @react-navigation/material-bottom-tab, if you didn't have it already.

Drawer Navigator

The following changes are in the @react-navigation/drawer package.

To install the 6.x version of @react-navigation/drawer, run:

npm install @react-navigation/drawer

Drawer now uses Reanimated 2 if available

There is a new implementation based on the latest Reanimated which will be used if it's available, otherwise drawer will fallback to the old implementation.

You can pass useLegacyImplementation={true} to Drawer.Navigator to force it to always use the old implementation if you need.

A header is shown by default in drawer screens

Tab screens now show a header by default similar to screens in a stack navigator and bottom tab navigator. See its options to see all header related options.

To keep the previous behavior, you can use headerShown: false in screenOptions.

Slide animation is now default on iOS

Drawer now uses a slide animation by default on iOS. To keep the previous behavior, you can specify drawerType="front" in screenOptions.

Drawer status is now a string instead of a boolean

Previously, the status of drawer was a boolean (true | false) to signify the open and closed states. It's now a string with the values open and closed. This will let us implement more types of status in future.

To match this change, the following APIs have been renamed as well:

  • getIsDrawerOpenFromState -> getDrawerStatusFromState
  • useIsDrawerOpen -> useDrawerStatus
  • openByDefault -> defaultStatus

Drawer no longer emits drawerOpen and drawerClose events

The drawerOpen and drawerClose events are now removed because same information can be achieved from the following helpers:

  • useDrawerStatus hook
  • getDrawerStatusFromState helper (e.g. - getDrawerStatusFromState(navigation.getState()))

The drawerContentOptions prop is now more flexible by moving to options for drawer

The drawerContentOptions prop was removed and the options from there were moved to screen's options instead. This makes them configurable on a per screen basis.

The following options have been moved without renaming:

  • drawerPosition
  • drawerType
  • keyboardDismissMode
  • overlayColor
  • gestureHandlerProps

The following options have been moved and renamed:

  • hideStatusBar -> drawerHideStatusBarOnOpen
  • statusBarAnimation -> drawerStatusBarAnimation
  • edgeWidth -> swipeEdgeWidth
  • minSwipeDistance -> swipeMinDistance

The old options will still keep working with a deprecation warning. To avoid the deprecation warning, move these to screenOptions.

The drawerContent prop no longer receives progress in its argument

The callback passed to drawerContent no longer receives the animated progress value in its argument. Instead, you can use the useDrawerProgress hook to get the current progress value.

function CustomDrawerContent(props) {
const progress = useDrawerProgress();

// ...

// ...

<Drawer.Navigator drawerContent={(props) => <CustomDrawerContent {...props} />}>

The useDrawerProgress hook returns a Reanimated Node or Reanimated SharedValue depending on the implementation used.

The lazy prop is moved to lazy option for per-screen configuration for drawer

Similar to bottom tabs, the lazy prop is now moved to options for drawer.

Elements Library

We have a new package which contains various UI elements related to navigation, such as a Header component. This means that we can now use these components in all navigators. You can also install the library to import components such as Header to use in any navigator:

npm install @react-navigation/elements

Now you can import items from there:

import { useHeaderHeight } from '@react-navigation/elements';

See the Elements Library page for more details on what's available in the library.

Developer tools

There's a new Flipper plugin for React Navigation to help you debug your navigation and deep link config.

See docs for useFlipper for more details on how to install and configure it.